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EBA INOX imitation machine
Bevel Mate® EBA INOX is specially designed for use on stainless steel. The machine is perfect for emulating up to a depth of 8 mm and for creating round edges up to a radius of 6 mm. This electric machine is compact and handheld, but powerful enough to cut stainless steel effortlessly. For use on stainless steel, the speed of rotation (RPM) of the INOX machine is reduced compared to the 3.0 machines. There are also specially developed INOX milling knives.
With one angle milling head and proper use of the machine, we can make 100 to 140 meters of chamfered edges. With the milling head for radios, the service life is extended up to 250m.
30°- 37.5°- 45°
R2 - R3 - R4 - R6