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EBI INOX emulation machine
Bevel Mite® EBI INOX is an electric beveling machine specially designed for beveling and rounding stainless steel. With special bevel heads for stainless steel, you can create rounded edges with a radius of 2 mm or 3 mm, and create bevel edges up to 6 mm deep. This machine is electric and can even be operated with one hand, even on stainless steel. For use on stainless steel, the rotation speed (RPM) of the INOX machine is reduced compared to conventional 3.0 machines.
With one angle milling head and proper use of the machine, we can make 100 to 140 meters of chamfered edges. With the milling head for radios, the service life is extended up to 250m.
15°- 22.5°- 30°- 37.5°- 45°- 52.5°- 60°
R2 - R3 - R4