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PPM also manufactures a double-seal silicone vent system designed to further reduce inert gas usage and cleanup time. This system uses silicone discs to form an airtight seal, reducing cleaning time and gas consumption for maximum efficiency.
There are 2 styles of double seal silicone systems available:
the Gas Finger system is designed for small pipes from 16 to 38 mm internal diameter
the Double Seal system is made for pipes from 3/4 - 12" (16 - 320 mm)
Features and benefits
- Extremely short cleaning times, resulting in valuable cost savings
- High-quality silicone sealing discs that prevent them from tilting or falling inside the pipe
- UV and temperature resistance up to 330 ºC continuously or 450 ºC for short periods
- Suitable for cleaning pipes, elbows and fittings
- The silicone sealing units can be separated and a pipe plug can be used