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The SEC-115 pipe extraction machine
T-DRILL SEC-115 fully automatic drilling machine with automatic tool changer. Five different draw tools make it easier, faster and more productive to produce manifolds with more diameters than ever before. The SEC-115 is suitable for the production of stainless steel, steel, copper and aluminum manifolds.
The high-speed SEC-115 works by programmatically moving the length of the tube while the tube rotates as needed.
The SEC-115 has a fully automatic cycle:
- Milling pilot holes
- The design of the extraction and
- Alignment of the welding drawer
SEC-115 Applications
Stainless steel manifolds, especially with multiple draw diameters.
Potential Industries for SEC-115
- Pump manufacturers
- Plumbing installations
- Food and dairy industry
- Pharmaceutical industry
- Chemical industry
- Brewing industry
- Fire protection (sprinkler systems)